The $4 million dollar Harry Potter spinoff – Bought and Publicized

As none of you know or care, I wrote a blog post talking about the rumors circling of there being more Harry Potter – related books this past August. Then as it turns out, Amazon had recently bought the new book, titled “The Tales of Beetle the Bard”. The Tales of Beetle the Bard are mentioned in the 7th Harry Potter book, and have a few fairy tales, which only one of was shown in the Harry Potter books.

There were only 7 copies made, and only one was going out to the public. Don’t start crying yet though Harry Potter fans. As it turns out Amazon, the buyer of the 7th copy of the book has decided to share it with the public, and has a special page on their website that shows reviews of the book and even pictues, and a video all the way down, you’ll have toscoll down quite a bit though.

Check it out, now. Because I said so.

The tales of Beetle the Bad, at

Make Your Websites Stand Out with Great Javascripts

These days becoming a good website maker is starting to take its place as a great stay at home job. Except it can be very complicated and frustrating at times, and these days to make sure you get a good job, you have to make sure your designs stand out. Now among the 6 billion plus web pages, it can be very hard to do, since anyone with a fifth grade education can learn how to use Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Thats why these days other than CSS, javascript is one of the best ways to make your web page something extraordinary. (In case you didn’t know Javascript is not the same or related at all to the “Java” language.) Recently I’ve surfed the web for some of the best javascripts I could find, and found some places that have some great javascripts. All you have to do is upload them to your server, add a link in your page’s head section to them, and then you’re able to do things such as “magically” add reflections to images without using Photoshop, and much more.

MooTools – This is a great piece of javascript framework which is very compact, modular, and object-oriented. With it you can write great scripts that will work on just about any browser, and be considerably shorter. This is only for people at an intermediate and advanced experience level with javascript. Javascript is definitely worth learning though.You can choose what you want to be included in the MooTools script such as FX.Transitions or just the Core script and if you want it to be compressed or uncompressed so you can easily edit it. I’d go with downloading the Core and most of the rest of the code except the effects and such, which you can easily add later if you need it. Also, leave the file uncompressed so you can easily go and add more code afterwards.
| MooTool Home | Download Page |

Reflection.js – Found over at is another handy little script that uses MooTools to let you add reflections below your images like this:

and it lets you change the size and everything of the reflection easily. This creates some restrictions if you’re using light box with it but if you avoid them this goes great with lightbox.
| Reflection.js for MooTools|

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J.K Hints of More Tales Of Harry Potter To Come!

With 7 books of Harry Potter that have been some of the best selling books, why wouldn’t J.K. Rowling continue to make more. According to “Squidoo” J.K. Rowling hinted that the “might not end and other stories might compliment the 7 books, definitely something to look forward to, besides the final movie release.” Sadly she didnt say when she would release the books. So nobody has to feel bad about the book series having ended, because more harry potter books may come to a store near you!.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Torrent

Well, this is my first post on my first blog so i hope everyone likes it.

J.K. Rowling (pronounced “Rolling”) has recently released her latest installment in her Harry Potter series called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and for those who are too lazy to go buy it or pay up the $20 dollars to buy it, I’ve found a very good torrent for it at “The Pirate Bay”.

To download the torrent directly click here: HP 7 Torrent Download
To see the torrent’s details first click here: HP 7 Torrent Details

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